ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy Seminar
ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy Seminar
Do you know that your body is one with the Earth and the whole Universe?
Fact: You are made up of trillions of molecules and chemical elements that are the same as those of the earth and the universe.
ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy seminar is an once-in-a-lifetime experience retreat to restore your relationship with the human body through the familiarity of its structure and its exceptional functions.

You are about to begin a unique journey that will lead you through your Intuitive Body to get to know and connect with its instruments and systems.
Through this educational experience you will discover the emotions and beliefs that are inherent in the body.
Ever wondered how it feels to be in tune with your whole body?
ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy is the key to discover that.
This seminar offers the opportunity to heal the body’s systems and organs through the release of the emotions that are accumulated within it.
We will discover together all the beliefs that each of our cells holds and the relationship they have with our lack of balance and health in various areas of our lives.
As trainees, you will have plenty of time for therapeutic sessions, to release the limiting beliefs you will discover during the seminar.
Intuitive Anatomy is aimed at all those certified ThetaHealers® who want to take their intuitive reading and communication skills to another level. It is a perfect choice for professional healers or for practitioners who want to dive in, even more, to their connection with All that Is.
It is no coincidence that it is considered the cornerstone, after the prerequisite training of the technique. (Basic Level, Advanced Level, Dig Deeper, You and God).
Benefits of completing this tutorial:
During the 15 days:
You will take part in experiential exercises and intuitive scans on people. In this way you will expand your intuitive abilities and solve any restrictive beliefs that are left to hinder your intuition.
You will release emotions and beliefs from every system of your body:
As the bones heal, beliefs are released about the support, the connection to the source, and how strong you feel.
As the digestive system heals, so do potential traumatic injuries.
As the nervous system heals, all the communication blockages we have with the Creator and our environment change, so that we do not fear the Truth.
Beliefs of beauty and self-worth are hidden in your skin, in the eyes of our ego.
In the liver actions of resentment, anger and so on.
We will make the song of the heart, it will be made for every organ of our body and you will be given new instructions by Vianna Stibal, creator and founder of the technique.
Upon completion of the Intuitive Anatomy Seminar:
- You will expand your intuitive abilities up to 90%.
- You will be one of the few certified ThetaHealers specializing in Intuitive Anatomy and you will be able to support 100% of each case from the point of view of this technique.
- You will know what kind of emotions and beliefs are connected to each system of the body.
- As you release these limiting beliefs, emotions, and traumas into your own body, you become a clearer channel.
- Your intuitive skills are sharpened and improved by offering more effective guidance in your life.
- In case you are a therapist, you can offer even more advanced services to your clients with a clear distinction, through the Creator of all that exists.
Detailed program of 15 days
Seminar Attendance Prerequisites:
(Basic Level, Advanced Level, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator)
The seminar includes:
- The 15-days training.
- The Certification of successful attendance by the Thetahealing Institute of Knowledge.
- Technical manuals from ThetaHealing® Institute of America
Anastasia Koutsouras
ThetaHealingⓇ MASTER Instructor
Seminar Information
Seminar Dates:
06.05.2022 – 10.05.2022
11.05.2022 Break
12.05.2022 – 16.05.2022
17.05.2022 Break
18.05.2022 – 22.05.2022
Classes take place:
Seminar Time: 09:30 am – 5:00 pm Greece Time (GMT+2)
Online via Zoom
Seminar Price: 1.750€
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